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Aurélia Lassaque


Aurélia Lassaque (b. 1983) is an Occitan and French poet. She is keenly interested in the relationship between poetry and music and has collaborated with musicians for numerous music and poetry shows. She has also collaborated creatively with various painters and visual artists for exhibitions in France, Italy and the US. Her poems have been translated into English, Italian, Asturian, Basque, Brazilian, Catalan, Spanish, Turkish and Finnish for numerous journals and anthologies. She regularly takes part in international festivals of poetry. In 2010 she was artistic director of the Festival of European and Mediterranean Minority Literatures (held in Italy). She is also a book reviewer for regional television and has dedicated her doctorate to Occitan baroque drama. Collections and artists’ books: Cinquena Sason (Letras d’oc, 2006); Ombras de Luna − Ombres de Lune (Éd. de la Margeride, 2009, 2010, 2011); E t’entornes pas − Et ne te retourne pas, (Éd. de la Margeride, 2010); Lo sòmi d’Euridícia – le rêve d’Eurydice, (éd. les Aresquiers, 2011); Lo sòmi d’Orfèu – le rêve d’Orphée (éd. les Aresquiers, 2011), Solstice and Other poems (London, Francis Boutle Publishers, 2012). Forthcoming in 2013: Pour que chantent les salamandres (Paris, éditions Bruno Doucey).




Mireia Calafell


Mireia Calafell (Barcelona, 1980) forma part del grup de recerca Cos i Textualitat de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i treballa a l’associació cultural ArtsMoved. Ha publicat Poètiques del cos (Galerada, 2006) i Costures (Viena Edicions, 2010), obres per les quals ha rebut els premis de poesia Amadeu Oller (2006), el VIII Memorial Anna Dodas (2008) i el Josep M. López Picó de Poesia (2009). La seva poesia ha estat traduïda a l’anglès, holandès, castellà, àrab i portuguès.







Montserrat Costas


Montserrat Costas (Capellades, Anoia, 1976) és poeta.

La seva obra es caracteritza per l’estil concís i sobri, el to d’humor i ironia i la predilecció pels temes contemporanis.

Ha publicat els llibres La murga (2013), L’amplitud dels angles (2003), Híbrid (1999, amb Jordi Condal) i Poesia egocèntrica (1997).

Apareixen poemes seus en diverses antologies de poesia contemporània catalana. Part de la seva obra ha estat traduïda al noruec, al japonès i al castellà.






Jaume C. Pons Alorda


Jaume C. Pons Alorda (Caimari, 1984). Llicenciat en Filologia Anglesa a la Universitat de les Illes Balears i Màster de Teoria de la Literatura i Literatura Comparada (UAB), Màster de Formació del Professorat de Secundària (UAB) i Màster en Gestió Cultural (UOC).









Anna Aguilar-Amat


Anna Aguilar Amat was born in Barcelona on January 31, 1962. She has a PHD from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where she now teaches Terminology applied to Translation at the Translation Faculty and has published several specialised texts in that field and other subjects as minorized languages, knowledge engineering, divergent thinking, etc.






Francesc Gelonch


Francesc Gelonch (Juneda, 1974). Poeta eminentment oral, traductor de poesia, artista i crític

multimèdia. Llicenciat en Història de l’Art per la Universitat de Barcelona. Ha format part de

diversos grups d’artistes i col·lectius, i treballat com a director i coordinador de festivals i mostres

de cinema, també en l’àmbit de la producció cinematogràfica, o fent els trencaclosques lingüístics i

guionista de la secció Les paraules de la Tribu al Bocamoll, un conegut programa televisiu de TV3,

la televisió pública catalana. Entre d’altres, amb Lucia Pietrelli ha traduït una selecció de les poesies de joventut de Pier Paolo Pasolini (Cal cremar per arribar devastats a l’últim foc, Edicions

Poncianes, 2013) i amb Corina Tulbure té en curs de publicació amb La Breu Edicions una

Antologia de la poesia romanesa contemporània. També ha escrit textos per a teatre (Manifest Groc dirigida per Xavier Gimenez Casas, un homenatge a les primeres avantguardes literàries i artístiques catalanes, estrenada a l’Espai Brossa el 2010).


Jèssica Pujol


Jèssica Pujol Duran (Barcelona, 1982), BA in Comparative Literature at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; MA in Modern and Contemporary Literature, Culture and Thought at University of Sussex; is currently a Ph.D. candidate at University College London. Her thesis is on Intercultural Studies, and she is working on the experimentalisms of Julio Cortázar and Italo Calvino in the 1960-1970s Paris.








JANSKY is an electroverse duet made up by musician and producer Jaume Reus and poet Laia MaLo, that brings back organic sound and poetic light into electronic music. In 2013, the independent label Primeros Pasitos released their debut EP, Un big bang a la gibrella, and they'll be launching their new album, Ésser Elèctric, in early 2015. In their live performance, Jaume plays along with synths and a transverse flute, while Laia follows his dialogue with her enchanting verse and voice. Their formula has already been heard in festivals like Sónar (Barcelona), Sound
City (Liverpool) o Kregi Sztuki (Krakov)..






Matthew Tree


Matthew Tree was born in London at the tail end of 1958. He taught himself Catalan in 1979. He has lived in Barcelona since 1984.
For literary reasons of his own, in 1990 he stopped writing in English and switched to Catalan, in which language he has so far published ten books, including two novels, a collection of short stories, an autobiography, two books on Catalonia, a rant against work, and a personal essay on racism.







Miquel Strubell


Michael, or Miquel, Strubell, was born in Oxford ("the other place"!). His father had been an RAF pilot in the War, and his mother had fled into exile from Catalonia with her family at the end of the Spanish Civil War. They met in England.
After reading Psychology and Physiology at Oxford, he taught at international schools in Spain, before working, for 19 years for the government of Catalonia (the "Generalitat "), and for 15 years as a lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (the Open University). He retired last month




Germà Bel


Germà Bel (Les Cases d'Alcanar - Terres de l'Ebre, 1963). Llicenciat en Economia per la U. de Barcelona (1986), Màster en Economia per The University of Chicago (1988), i Doctor en Economia per la U. de Barcelona (1993). Catedràtic d'Universitat. Professor visistant a Cornell University a l'any académic 2004-05.  Investigador visitant a Harvard University (KSG) durant 2005-06. Professor invitat a la Barcelona Graduate School of Economics des de 2007. Investigador visitant al European University Institute (Florence School of Regulation) durant maig-juliol 2009 i a Princeton Univeristy 2013-2014. Investigador ICREA-Academia (2011-2015).
Ha rebut el premi "William E. and Frederick C. Mosher Award" al millor artícle acadèmic de l'any 2009 de la American Society for Public Administration. Ha rebut el premi per el millor article acadèmic 2010 de US Academy of Management (Public & Nonprofit Division). Ha rebut XIII Premi Catalunya d’Economia (Societat Catalana d’Economia-Institut d’Estudis Catalans) a la millor investigació sobre economia a 2011; premi otorgat al llibre Espanya, capital París. Barcelona: Destino 2010 (CAST); Barcelona: La Campana 2011 (CAT).



Anna Gual


Anna Gual (Vilafranca de Penedès, 1986)
Amb vint-i-dos anys va publicar el seu primer llibre, Implosions (LaBreu Edicions, 2008). Fins llavors havia escrit al blog No caic, em tiro (Premi al Millor blog escrit en català als Premis Vila de Martorell 2012), el blog on va ser descoberta i que ella utilitzava com a llibreta íntima. Després de l’experiència de publicar, Gual s’ha entossudit en cercar en ella mateixa els millors versos. Fruit d’aquesta recerca és el poemari il·lustrat Passa-m’hi els dits (Àtem Books, 2012), amb il·lustracions de l’austríaca Bianka Tschaikner. L'any 2013 guanya el Premi de poesia mediterrània Pare Colom i publica un nou poemari, L’ésser solar (Lleonard Muntaner, 2013).




Stephen Watts


Stephen Watts was born in London in 1952: his father’s family came from Stoke-on-Trent, his

mother’s from the Swiss-Italian Alps and he has cultural roots there and in Scotland. In the

early 70’s he lived on North Uist working as a shepherd and since 1976 has been in

Whitechapel in the East End of London.







Tim Atkins


Tim Atkins is the author of Folklore 1-25, To Repel Ghosts, 25 Sonnets, and Horace. Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at UEL, editor of the online poetry magazine onedit, and translator of Petrarch, Horace, and Buddhist texts, he is a Buddhist, husband, poet, and father. He is a happy man.






Albert Pellicer


Albert Pellicer is a poet born in Barcelona and based in London. He has a
BA in Creative Writing from Antioch University and an MA in Poetic
Practice by the Royal Holloway University. He is currently completing a
PhD on Oscillations Between Text And Sound: a poetics of timbre at the
Contemporary Poetics Research Centre –Birkbeck and is a lecturer at
Kingston University.

He has performed at various locations in the UK, including the
International E-poetry Conference 2005 and has taken part in several
international festivals.



Daniel Eltringham


Daniel Eltringham (2005) graduated with a First and has recently completed a Masters Degree in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Birkbeck.
He has been given funding by the Arts & Humanities Research Council for a PhD on Wordsworth and Prynne.
Daniel is co-editor of The Literateur and has published reviews in the Times Literary Supplement, Financial Times (Books) and Fiction Uncovered.







William Rowe


William Rowe teaches contemporary British and Latin American poetry at Birkbeck College, where he is Director of the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre. He has written on Maggie O’Sullivan, Lee Harwood, Eric Mottram, Allen Fisher, and William Carlos Williams and is the author of Three Lyric Poets: Lee Harwood, Barry MacSweeney and Chris Torrance, forthcoming from Northcote House in the Writers and Their Work series. His translations of contemporary
Latin American poets have been widely published, and he has three books on Latin American poetry, including Poets of Contemporary Latin America: History and the Inner Life (OUP, 2000).




Sarah Kelly


Sarah Kelly is an interdisciplinary artist and poet primarily concerned with text and surface.
She is co-editor of AlbaLondres (journal for poetry in translation).
Her work explores embodied process in language making and marking and encompasses poetic practice, sculptural page and paper making, somatic movement, typographic and calligraphic inscription, translation and iteration.





Frances Kruk


Frances Kruk is a contemporary Polish-Canadian poet living in London, UK. Recent writing can be found in journals such as Damn the Caesars, Sous les Pavés, onedit, fhole, ditch, and HOW2.
She has exhibited visual work and performed solo and collaborative poetry, music, and interdisciplinary projects in various parts of Canada, USA, Cyprus, Ireland, and the UK. She edited the occasional micropress yt communication with Sean Bonney.





Noèlia Díaz










Esteve Plantada


Esteve Plantada i Hermoso (Granollers, 1979) és un poeta català que ha publicat els següents llibres de poesia: A l'ombra dels violins (1997, La Magrana), Kosovo. 25 poemes, 25 imatges (2000, Aire-F i Ajuntament de Granollers), Oblidar (2001, Emboscall), Temporari (2007, Tarafa Edicions) i Els Llops (2009, La Garúa), llibre escrit a sis mans amb Laia Noguera i Joan Duran.

A banda de la seva trajectòria poètica, és editor de Nació[1][2] i articulista a diferents mitjans i revistes com ara Núvol,[3] la Revista Caràcters[4] o Barcelona Metropolis.[5] Ha estat articulista d'El 9 Nou i ha exercit la crítica literària al diari Avui. També ha estat director de l'Ara Vallès.[6]

És un dels editors d'Edicions Terrícola,[7][8] conjuntament amb Laia Noguera i Joan Duran.



Jennifer Cooke


Jennifer Cooke is a London based poet who works as a Lecturer in English at LoughboroughUniversity. She has poetry in and on: QUID, inedit, Intercapillary Space, Great Works, Archive of the Now, and soon in Naked Punchand Hi Zero3. She has (hopefully) a collection coming out this year, entitled not suitable for domestic sublimation. She has reviewed the work of J.H. Prynne, Keston Sutherland, Stuart Carlton and Alice Notley, among others








Henry Gilonis













Jeff Hilson


Jeff Hilson (born 1966) is a contemporary British poet. His works include A Grasses Primer (Form Books,2000), Stretchers (Reality Street, 2006), Bird Bird (Landfill 2009), and In The Assarts (Veer Books, 2010). He also edited The Reality Street Book of Sonnets, published in 2008. With Sean Bonney and David Miller he co-founded Crossing the Line, a reading series based in London.

Hilson is the son of British diplomat Malcolm Hilson OBE, and brother of the environmental lawyer Professor Christopher Hilson of the University of Reading. He was educated at Bedford School, where he was a boarder. He went up to Girton College, Cambridge in 1985 to read English literature. He graduated in 1988 with a second class degree. He plays cricket for the Energy Exiles Cricket Club.



Josep Ma. Solé i Sabaté


Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté (Lleida, 1950) és un historiador català, especialitzat en la Guerra civil espanyola i la seva postguerra.[1] També ha dirigit i presentat programes de ràdio i televisió, amb tertúlies sobre l'actualitat o sobre la història recent de Catalunya.[2]

És catedràtic en història contemporània per la Universitat de Barcelona i llicenciat en filosofia. Actualment exerceix de professor d'Història contemporània a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. És autor de 14 llibres sobre la Guerra Civil i la postguerra. Va obtenir el Premi de Recerca del Congrés de Cultura Catalana. Va ser delegat del Centre d'Història Contemporània de Catalunya en la recuperació de la documentació catalana a l'exili (1985-1991). Va ser el primer director del Museu d'Història de Catalunya, entre el 1996 i el 2000. L'any 2006 la Generalitat el va nomenar coordinador general del Consorci Memorial dels Espais de la Batalla de l'Ebre.[3] El 10 d'octubre de 2011 va ser nomenat director de l'Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs, en substitució d'Albert Turull.[4][5]

Va ser el director i presentador del programa de ràdio Postres de músic, un programa de tertúlies sobre l'actualitat política i cultural de Catalunya a Catalunya Ràdio, fins l'any 2004.[6] El 2009 torna a Catalunya Ràdio com a col·laborador del programa En guàrdia.



Cristina Viti


Cristina Viti's translations of the poetry of Dino Campana (Selected Works, Survivors’ Press 2006) were deemed ‘as musically sensuous as the originals’ (TLS Jan 2007), & her recent translation of Mariapia Veladiano’s award-winning first novel A Life Apart (MacLehose 2013) was credited with ‘pitch-perfect grace’ (Irish Times Jul 2013). Other book-length translations include poetry by Stephen Watts (Mountain Language/Lingua di montagna, Journey Across Breath/Tragitto nel respiro, Hearing Eye 2008, 2011; Gramsci & Caruso, Mille Gru 2014), Ziba Karbassi (Poesie, Mille Gru 2010) & Dome Bulfaro (OssaCarne, Le voci della luna 2012). Shorter translations (Elsa Morante, Amelia Rosselli, Erri De Luca...) and/or own poetry have been published in various anthologies & reviews including Serpent's Tail's No Man's Land, Modern Poetry In Translation, Agenda & Shearsman. Current work includes ongoing collaboration on the 'Byron Project' of director Marco Filiberti and a translation of Tahar Lamri's I sessanta nomi dell'amore. An English version of Gëzim Hajdari's poetry collection Vrage is forthcoming for Shearsman Books.





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